The Tanzania Institute of Accountancy Consultancy Bureau (TIA-CB) is a semi-autonomous and non-profit organization registered on January 26, 2023 (Registration number T620231510004). Led by the head of the section, it reports to the Director of Research, Consultancy, and Publications (DRCP). The TIA-CB section is responsible for coordinating, implementing, and documenting all consultancy activities at TIA, playing a vital role in this regard.

The Bureau is headed by a competent academic staff member with a proven track record in coordinating and managing consultancies. The TIA-CB management oversees the administration and execution of consultancy activities, while a specialized bank account is dedicated to projects/consultancies. This decentralized accounting system ensures smooth transaction processing and assignment handling.

 The Board of Trustees, in consultation with the administration and the treasurer, manages and controls the financial aspects of TIA-CB, with independent audits conducted by a competent audit firm.

TIA-CB aspires to offer high-quality consultancy services not only in Tanzania but also beyond its borders, through intensive research, consultancy, and short courses. This commitment aims to contribute to the realization of national development agenda 2025, the African development agenda 2063, and the Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Vision: To become the institute of excellence in providing quality consultancy services in Africa.

Mission: To deliver high-quality consultancy services in the fields of Accountancy, Procurement, and other business-related disciplines, both to the public and private sectors within and outside Tanzania.

The Responsibilities of the TIA Consultancy Bureau Section align with TIA’s vision and mission:

  1. Undertake TIA consultancy activities.
  2. Oversee project implementation, coordination, and management.
  3. Identify potential partners for joint consultancy and service activities.
  4. Coordinate and organize consultancy services in line with the institute’s core activities.
  5. Ensure proper implementation of results from consultancy activities conducted by the institute.
  6. Prepare appropriate marketing, promotional, and training materials, as well as solicitation strategies.
Vision and Mission
Core Values
Main Functions
Why Choose TIA
Online Application
Online Registration

Dar campus

Mbeya Campus

Singida Campus

Mtwara Campus

Kigoma Campus

Mwanza Campus

Tanga campus

Zanzibar Campus




TIA Journal

TIA Repository

Open Access DB

Subscribed DB



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