Book Lending

Registered students and staff of Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) are eligible for borrowing books upon presentation of a valid TIA ID card, and full access of databases and other electronic resources. Visitors may access physical materials (books, journals, etc) within library buildings. Current students and staff may check out materials using their identification card. Theses may be borrowed but can only be used within the Library.

Photocopying services

Photocopying service is available to our students for reproducing single copies of library and other teaching and research materials for purposes of studying and research. Requests for photocopies should be made to the library staff at the Circulation desk.

Consultancy services

TIA library has a good team of experts in the field of library and information services. We are providing good consultancy services in the field of library and information sector.

Our service focus on:

  • E-library establishment
  • Webpage design
  • Establishment of Libraries
  • Library management system installation
  • Consultancy to improve library services workflow.
  • Special training courses tailored to meet staff needs.

Research and Training

TIA Library is committed to supporting lecturers and students in the research process. We provide instruction to library users on how to effectively use specific information sources both printed and electronic. We also provide research assistance and guidance by offering advice regarding how to conduct research and suggesting sources of information.

Assignment Consultation

Get advice on assignments that help students learn how to research more effectively, get suggestions on resources that are available to support your course projects, or work with a librarian to teach a session(s) to support a specific assignment.

The main library uses computer labs for hands-on workshops. We offer workshops for students and staff.

First Year Orientation

Library has developed an orientation programme designed for first year student to provide tours of the library and its collections that students will be using. This is aimed at increasing students’ comfort levels with the library and introducing them to the lay-out and services of the Library.

Reference Services

TIA Library provide support on information services to the users in form of ready reference questions, bibliographic verification, interlibrary loan and document delivery, information and referral services, research questions and fee-based services and information brokering. Also, it provides, gguidance to the users, including readers’ advisory services, research assistance, selective dissemination of information (SDI, also called current awareness service) and one-to-one or group instruction.

Research Support Services (RSS)

TIA library support faculty and postgraduate students in their research activities by advising, support and facilitating the choice of research topic, advising on how to write grant project reports, advising on the proper scientific writing skills. Moreover, it providing training and support on how to use reference management tools for proper citation and referencing.

Dar es Salaam






Vision and Mission
Core Values
Main Functions
Why Choose TIA
Online Application
Online Registration

Dar campus

Mbeya Campus

Singida Campus

Mtwara Campus

Kigoma Campus

Mwanza Campus

Tanga campus

Zanzibar Campus




TIA Journal

TIA Repository

Open Access DB

Subscribed DB



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