1. Kasambala, M (2017) The Effect of Credit on the Wealth Status of the Individual Entrepreneur: Evidence from SACCOs in Mbeya District, Tanzania; The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(2): 37-44
  1. Abdallah G.K. (2017) Differences between firms from the formal sector and the informal sector in terms of growth Empirical evidence from Tanzania; Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies; 9(2): 121-143
  1. Kasambala, M, Temu, E. A (2018) The Contribution of off-farm and on-farm investment on the wealth status of the entrepreneurs: Evidence from Mbeya district, Tanzania; Open Access International Journal of Science & Engineering, 3(2):33-38
  1. Marobhe, M. (2018). External Debts and Economic Growth in Tanzania, Review of Intergrative Business and Economic Research, 8(1): 64-79.
  1. Assenga, M. P., Aly, D., and Hussainey, K. (2018). The impact of board characteristics on the financial performance of Tanzanian firms. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society; 18(6): 1089-1106
  1. Kasambala, M (2019) Economic Benefit of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies on the Well-being of the Individual: Evidence from Mbeya District, Tanzania; African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASSS); 1(1):1-11
  1. Akyoo, E P, Kabote, J. S and Jeckoniah, J (2019) Socio-Economic Determinants of Household Participation in Out-growers Scheme and Investor Farm- Employment in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania; African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASSS);1(1): 28-44
  1. Akyoo, E. P. and Sitima F. W. (2019) Socio-economic Determinants for Maize Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Purdue Improved Crop Storage in Mbozi District, Tanzania; African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASSS) 1(1):45-57
  1. Mwanyamba I. R (2019) Trade, Market Size, Exchange Rate and Foreign Direct Investment: Co-Integration Analysis for East African Region; African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASSS) 1(1):71-83
  1. Marobhe, M and Pastory, D. (2019). Modelling Stock Market Volatility Using GARCH Models, Case Study of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), Review of Intergrative Business and Economic Research, 8(2): 138-150
  1. Abdallah, G. K., & Eijdenberg, E. L. (2019). Entry and stay in the informal economy: Qualitative findings from a least developed country, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 27(2), 115-145
  1. Mbugi S. M (2019) A Review of Legal and Professional Framework Governing Public Sector Accounting and Reporting in Tanzania; IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM); 21(7): 1-8
  1. Mapunda, M.E; Mhando, D.G and Waized, B.M. (2020). Determinants of Participation of Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Warehouse Receipt System in Mbinga District, Tanzania, Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development, 26(1): 97-111.
  1. Abdallah, G. K., Masurel, E., Naudé, W. A., and Eijdenberg, E. L. (2020). Unboxing entrepreneurial motivations in Tanzania: business-related and personal-related factors, Journal of African Business, 1-19. DOI: 1080/15228916.2020.1785236
  1. Assenga, M. P. (2021) Foreign directors and firm financial performance: evidence from the Tanzanian listed companies; Business Education Journal; 10(1): 1-15


  1. Kasambala M. (2019). A paper titled “Understanding the Economic Benefits of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies on the Well-being of the Individual: Evidence from Mbeya District, Tanzania, Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM), pp. 7 – 12.
  1. Jeckonia, J.; Akyoo, E. P. and Kabote, S.J. (2019). Large Scale Agricultural Investments and Its Impact on Gender Relations and Wellbeing of Small Holder Farmers: Evidence from Kilombero Valley in Tanzania, Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA-2019).
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  1. Mpanju, A,K.(2019).The Effect of Microfinance Services on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Dar Es Salam Region, Tanzania, Proceedings of International Academic Conference No. 9412215, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
  1. Abdallah, G.K. (2014). Differences between entrepreneurs from the formal sector and informal sector in identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities: Empirical evidence from Tanzania. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Economics, (p. 162-182). Padang,West Sumatera, Indonesia.
  1. Abdallah, G.K. (2015) Differences between owner-managers from the formal sector and owner- managers from the informal sector in developing entrepreneurial competences in LDCs: Empirical evidence from Tanzania, Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the International Conference on International Business, (p. 116-129). Thessaloniki, Greece.
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