June 11, 2023

A national meeting of industry advisory committees, including various stakeholders, was held to empower these committees in providing effective advice for the implementation of the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project.

Organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, the meeting took place at the University of Dar es Salaam Library Hall, involving all committees working to advise institutions benefiting from the HEET project.

These committees aim to advise on innovations and research addressing societal challenges and enhancing collaboration between the private sector and educational institutions.

The Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) is among the higher education institutions participating in this conference. Committee members attended the training, which will improve curricula to meet the current market needs.

“This industry advisory committee will guide TIA in establishing new programs and improving existing curricula to align with the real-time requirements of the market,” added Dr. Kasambala.

Dr. Elimeleck Akyoo, the Director of the Mbeya Campus and Secretary of the Board, emphasized the Board’s role in advising, providing accurate labor market information, and developing plans that enhance youth innovation.

Collectively, the members commended the HEET project for recognizing the importance of establishing these committees in higher education institutions to create and develop impactful innovations and research for the current and future youth.

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