Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management (DPLM I&II)

Duration: 2 Years (NTA Level 5-6)

Mode of Delivery: Face to Face Contact (Full-Time and Part-time)

Academic Section: Procurement and Logistics Management

NTA Level 5: Technician Certificate in Procurement and Logistics Management (DPLM I)

Duration: 1 Year (NTA Level 5)

Purpose of NTA Level 5 qualification

The purpose of the Technician Certificate in Procurement and Logistics Management is to prepare individuals for performing both routine and non-routine procurement and logistics duties. This qualification aims to equip students with the necessary skills to handle various tasks, including the preparation of simple stock reports, maintenance of stores accounting schedules, and proficient use of computer skills. The program focuses on developing competencies required to effectively manage procurement and logistics operations, enabling graduates to contribute to the efficient flow of goods and services within an organization.

NTA Level 6: Ordinary in Procurement and Logistics Management (DMPR II)

Duration: 1 Year (NTA Level 6)

Purpose of NTA Level 6 qualification

The purpose of the Ordinary Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management is to prepare individuals for performing non-routine procurement and logistics duties. This qualification is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to engage in various tasks, including procuring goods, works, and services, managing warehousing and distribution processes, overseeing small enterprises, and supervising subordinates. The program focuses on developing competencies required to effectively manage procurement and logistics operations, enabling graduates to contribute to the efficient flow of goods and services within an organization while demonstrating leadership and managerial capabilities.

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