Prof. William Amos Pallangyo, the CEO/RECTOR for Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA)

Dr. Momole Kasambala, the Deputy Rector Academic, Research and Consultancies for Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA)

Dr. Isaya Hassanal, the Deputy Rector Finance, Planning and Administration for Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA)

Mr. Thomas Mabeba  Director of  Human Resource and Administration (DHRA)

Dr. Modestus Assenga Dircetor of Academic Support Services (DASS)

Advocate Saidi Mayunga Head of Leagal Services Unit

Mr. Gideon Ndalu, Head of Information Communication Technology (HICT)

Mrs. Lilian Rugaitika, Head of Marketing and Public Relation (HMPR)

Mr. Masuhuko Nkuba, Estate Manager

Dr. Bahati Shagama, Director of Library Services (DLS)

Dr. Mohamed Balozi, Campus Manager Zanzibar

Mrs. Lucina Comino, Director of Students Services (DSS)

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